Jars of Being

Hypnotherapy and Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) can help with a great number of issues in multiple ways either stand alone or in combination. I find using a blend of both creates the optimal synergy.

Humans are unique in that they are the only creatures on the planet that look back into the past and forward into the future. This ultimately can create much thought generation which is not necessarily of value to the ‘now’, especially when the thoughts are of a negative nature. Anxiety is only a future based problem, you cannot be anxious about something in the past.

The worries that are generated usually end up with you not doing something you really want to do i.e. avoiding doing something or going somewhere or doing something you would rather not want to do i.e. an undesirable habit.

Either way, the control over your life becomes diminished and you may start feeling stuck or limited in some way.  A really positive aspect of removing the limiting beliefs is the creation of S P A C E in your mind and with space comes creativity.  When we can fire up our creativity positively, then the pictures we can paint, metaphorically, will translate into a very different reality.

If you would like to take the control back in your life and to navigate your way to the freedom of living exactly how you would like to, then please do come and talk to me. It is not as hard as you think to change the way your mind conceives ideas about things.  A bad habit or a belief can be formed in a few seconds and it is possible to ‘undo’ the belief just as quickly in some cases. There is no rush however and my philosophy is every single human is unique and therefore needs to be treated as such.