Transformational Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a very natural state that we all experience on a daily basis, where we drift off into our own inner world, just like being in a daydream. Within this state the subconscious mind becomes accessible and memory recall is enhanced. Relaxed concentration is sometimes a term used when the mind is in this relaxed state and it enables useful therapeutic work to be carried out in a gentle, effective and deeply relaxing way.

If you have any thoughts, feelings that are unwanted and are limiting you in some way, the root of these usually lie embedded in our belief systems formed over our life from the day we were born. Beliefs are created primarily to protect us but sometimes they are formed through events that have not served us well and the effects of this can be long lasting and limiting, even debilitating.

We may notice patterns of behaviour or how we react to things as being not entirely rational and can cause us to do things we do not want to do and even cause us to NOT do things we DO want to do. If this idea resonates with you then there is a chance a belief you have, maybe working against you.

We sometimes are not even aware of this at a conscious level and the beauty of hypnosis is the subconscious mind can be accessed and these limiting beliefs can be revealed and therapeutically resolved.

Using the therapeutic tools and techniques of deep transformational hypnotherapy to resolve the root cause of these beliefs and effectively change them positively, can take place in a relatively short space of time. Time is such a precious thing in our lives, yet we give up so much of it to worry, stress and fear without actually solving the cause of the stress itself. An opportunity to be able to change the way you think and feel about the things in your life that cause those stresses and transform them positively, may not only make you feel better, but give you back your time and energy and allow you to get on and live your life exactly the way you want to.

A note to Transformational Hypnotherapy Clients

I do not use generic hypnosis scripts.

I do spend a lot of time evaluating and personalising the sessions that I create for you, as I strongly believe that every human experience is unique and getting to know you and your story is of paramount importance to me. The sessions will be crafted to reflect this rapport and understanding in each individual case.

I don’t believe in one session magic quick fixes as a rule, but it is possible in the fact you can create a belief in 2 seconds so it can be undone as quickly in theory !!! I do however notice with most clients a significant shift occurs within 2-3 sessions, but of course every case is different and depends on the challenge and complexity.

I do care about your progress during and after sessions and like to keep open communication with you (by email) throughout your treatment and expect timely feedback to assess and fine tune the work we do, I feel this complements the session and heralds more successful outcomes.

If my way of working resonates with you or you simply wish to discuss with me whether you think I can help then please do not hesitate to contact me via email or telephone.