Giving a talk at Physiologic’s Woman’s Health Hub on Friday was a learning experience for both me and the attendees !! The theme was Relationships and I introduced a number of concepts through NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) about the Art of Communication.
As anyone who knows me well will tell you, I do not struggle with talking !!! however the art of communication is really targeting the effectiveness of our communication and where this shows up more often than not is in the relationships that matter to us the most. I have learned that talking is often just not enough !! Being available, aware and attentive is so important when communicating with our loved ones, my sons are my harshest critics with this as apparently I can’t listen and text at the same time !! So now I am becoming mindful of this. Dialogue versus monologue.. I am very good at telling my boys what to do but where is the communication, it works both ways !!
And then to the four levels of communication, firstly what is it we intend to say, is our intention clear in our mind before we engage ? Secondly, what is it that we actually say and how do we say it ? Thirdly, what does the person we are talking to hear ? and lastly and most importantly, how does that person interpret what we have said ? Much can gowrong in any of these important stages of communication and it takes some slowing down and thinking time to start to practice communicating well. But just think of the advantages if there was no miscommunication, no misinterpreting and the amazing opportunity to connect with somebody totally freely and with no fear of saying the wrong thing. We carried out an exercise utilising some of the concepts I have mentioned and some I have not and the lovely ladies present were very surprised at how easily they connected with each other, it was an enjoyable and eye opening exercise !
So on Valentine’s Eve I wish you all perfect communication with your loved ones and indeed to all the important people in your life. We very rarely, if ever intend to hurt or upset anyone so make sure you think about how you are communicating with every person, every day in every way…