Hypnotherapy for Young People

Hypnotherapy can work very well with young people and children as their belief systems may not be so deeply embedded as more mature adults. Their imaginations are very powerful and logic is quite straightforward which can assist in building new strong positive images.

Young people are not immune to stress and worry and it has alarmingly been reported that nearly 1 in 10 young people are self harming through the stress of school/uni or home issues. Children face many challenges and stressful events such as changing schools, exam stress, parental break-ups and more commonly bullying. Today’s technology is not helping with the ease of accessibility to the internet and cyber bullying incidents are becoming more commonplace. The effects of this are clearly evident and can effect a child’s or young person’s self esteem, confidence and happiness.

Hypnotherapy is very gentle and relaxing and can give the young person an opportunity to address uncomfortable issues in a totally peaceful, safe environment. With younger children the method used is so gentle, it can mean the child does not even have to verbalise what is on their mind, but is still just as effective.

Hypnotherapy can help with relieving the stress, building confidence and rebuilding self esteem, so giving the young person a better footing when taking the next steps to adulthood.  For children, the undoubtable benefit can be creating the freedom to just get on and enjoy their childhood.


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